Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Christians are no better than others

Christians are not saved because they are good; they are saved because they have been forgiven. You will notice that there are many people in the world that are far better people than many Christians. There are people who are far nicer than I am and whose list of good deeds and charity far exceed mine, and I am a Christian. Yet with all their good deeds and charity they are still under God's wrath because their sin remains. Therefore as a Christian I do not feel that I am better than others for I have been a rebel against God as all people have. The difference between a Christian and those who are not is that we have received God's only remedy for our sin. God has provided what no man could provide a way to receive forgiveness of sins. Faith in Christ sinless life, death for our sin, and Christ's resurrection is the only way to receive forgiveness of sin, and be reconciled to God. The Gospel of John says in chapter one verse 29, Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Become one of the forgiven and God will adopt you into His family today!

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