Tuesday, March 24, 2009

God is love therefore will not punish sin:

Many people believe that all good people will go to heaven that heaven is their reward for being nice. They believe that God is to nice to banish anyone from their eternal reward. God is a God of love they explain and therefore would never punish anyone. The fact is because God is a God of love He hates all evil and all that is unloving and unkind. For God to tolerate any evil would make Him a monster not a God of love. As light invades a dark room and darkness is banished; all that is evil must be banished from God's eternal kingdom. All of humanity has contributed the evil in this world by being unloving to their neighbors as well as not honoring and loving the God who created them. The good news is that God has provided a way to forgive and remove our sins. I will continue this topic in my next blog.

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