Have you ever experienced a broken relationship as a result of truly wronging someone? You have tried various ways to be reconciled to this individual, but nothing you do will repair the damage done .You are receiving your just due! They are just, in breaking off any relationship with you. Admittedly they are unwilling to give you grace and mercy but as far as the law goes they are being just.
Humanity has experienced a broken relationship with God, but in this case many will not admit that they have offended God. In fact many deny God’s existence. Everywhere we look we see the effects upon a world whose relationship with God has been severed. God has judged our sin in this life by handing us over to sin as we please, and by letting us reap the consequences thereof.
All the evil that you see in this world the wars, racial strife, as well as selfishness, and many more to numerous to count are a result of our broken relationship with God. Many of you reading this will say compared to most people I am guiltless. The problem with that statement is that we all have sinned and added to the impact that sin has on the world, as well as our neighbors’ and friends. None of us have “loved God with all our heart and our neighbor as our self” which is the greatest commandment (Matt 22:37-39). We are just as responsible before God for our sin and the negative impact it has in this world, as well as any other person created in God’s image.
God in His great mercy came to earth on a rescue mission and that mission was to seek and save that which was lost (rescue sinners). Jesus who is God the eternal son entered the womb of a woman and entered our world. Our God is not a god who says I feel your pain from a distance in heaven but came to earth and actually felt my pain and your pain. I will have more to say about this in my next blog.
NLT (2 Cor 5:19)
For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. This is the wonderful message he has given us to tell others.
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