"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1, NASB95). These first words of the Bible along with the succeeding verses of Genesis through chapter three are of vital importance to humanity, both individually as well as socially. Those who believe in the creation story as found in Genesis will deduce from this belief, that the creation has intrinsic value. This belief that the creation, as well as humanity, has purpose and meaning because of God’s design, is priceless. Those who truly believe in the Genesis creation account will treat both people as well as creation with honor and respect, as unto the Lord. The giving of God his due allegiance and the treating of people with respect and honor is of the utmost importance. The foundation for these values are found within the creation account as told in Genesis. Those who do not believe that creation came into existence by a God who loves his creation become enslaved to a creation that has no meaning or value, and this results in the devaluing of human life, to be of no more value than animals. We become a slave to our passions because there is nothing that exists beyond our short lifespan, and we will not be held accountable by a creator for our actions because he is non-existent. This view enslaves us to a life of selfishness and self-centeredness. Ultimately with the exception of God’s gracious intervention our natural self-centeredness would destroy the planet. I am not purporting that there are not some atheists that are far superior both morally and ethnically than many who wear the label of Christian, because there are, remember (there is genuine gold as well as fool’s gold). This is why our societies are unraveling, and why we see so much evil in the world today because of our disregard for our creator. Those societies who deny the creation story of Genesis 1.1 along with the Creator will always move in the direction of self-destruction and escalating chaos. The reason for this is we were created to worship God, and our rejection of him is a rejection of his rule and reign over us. This rejection of God’s rule leads us to believe that there is no right or wrong and we are free to follow the dictates of our desires wherever they may lead. Therefore, the only restraint over human anarchy is the law of government, though it too is in the process of erosion through its rejection of the Creator, God of Genesis. A generation that grows up believing that humans are just a cosmic accident, descendants of apes, is a people without hope, and will live for this moment of pleasure. Since there is no sovereign ruler of creation and we are just another animal on this planet we become what we believe we are and begin to act accordingly ( like animals ). We see the results of this all around us every day as we watch the news. If humanity is just a cosmic accident without any history of value or purpose, then we are just another animal, and human life has no more value or meaning than any other species on this planet. Since so many today believe that we are just a human animal, a decedent of apes, consequently we are seeing the devaluing of human life through, an increase in crime, sexual exploitation, and the disregard for human life. The creator of heaven and earth loves us despite our ignoring Him as a society and He has provided a remedy that cost Him dearly. Speak more on that next time.