Sunday, September 23, 2007

Creator heaven and earth not a cosmic accident:

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1, NASB95). These first words of the Bible along with the succeeding verses of Genesis through chapter three are of vital importance to humanity, both individually as well as socially. Those who believe in the creation story as found in Genesis will deduce from this belief, that the creation has intrinsic value. This belief that the creation, as well as humanity, has purpose and meaning because of God’s design, is priceless. Those who truly believe in the Genesis creation account will treat both people as well as creation with honor and respect, as unto the Lord. The giving of God his due allegiance and the treating of people with respect and honor is of the utmost importance. The foundation for these values are found within the creation account as told in Genesis. Those who do not believe that creation came into existence by a God who loves his creation become enslaved to a creation that has no meaning or value, and this results in the devaluing of human life, to be of no more value than animals. We become a slave to our passions because there is nothing that exists beyond our short lifespan, and we will not be held accountable by a creator for our actions because he is non-existent. This view enslaves us to a life of selfishness and self-centeredness. Ultimately with the exception of God’s gracious intervention our natural self-centeredness would destroy the planet. I am not purporting that there are not some atheists that are far superior both morally and ethnically than many who wear the label of Christian, because there are, remember (there is genuine gold as well as fool’s gold). This is why our societies are unraveling, and why we see so much evil in the world today because of our disregard for our creator. Those societies who deny the creation story of Genesis 1.1 along with the Creator will always move in the direction of self-destruction and escalating chaos. The reason for this is we were created to worship God, and our rejection of him is a rejection of his rule and reign over us. This rejection of God’s rule leads us to believe that there is no right or wrong and we are free to follow the dictates of our desires wherever they may lead. Therefore, the only restraint over human anarchy is the law of government, though it too is in the process of erosion through its rejection of the Creator, God of Genesis. A generation that grows up believing that humans are just a cosmic accident, descendants of apes, is a people without hope, and will live for this moment of pleasure. Since there is no sovereign ruler of creation and we are just another animal on this planet we become what we believe we are and begin to act accordingly ( like animals ). We see the results of this all around us every day as we watch the news. If humanity is just a cosmic accident without any history of value or purpose, then we are just another animal, and human life has no more value or meaning than any other species on this planet. Since so many today believe that we are just a human animal, a decedent of apes, consequently we are seeing the devaluing of human life through, an increase in crime, sexual exploitation, and the disregard for human life. The creator of heaven and earth loves us despite our ignoring Him as a society and He has provided a remedy that cost Him dearly. Speak more on that next time.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The sick need a doctor

As a doctor must inform a patient of their sickness in order to direct them to the one medicine that can save them, Jesus also proclaimed to the people their spiritual sickness. Jesus says in, (Luke 5:31-32), "Healthy people don't need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." If you are unwilling to admit that you are a sinner, you will never seek to be rescued from the coming judgment due your sins. No one will seek Jesus to save them from their sins if they are unwilling to admit they have sin. This failure to admit that you are a sinner will always prevent you from coming to Jesus to rescue you from your sins. The one who proclaims their innocence before God shuts the door on ever receiving God's mercy and grace as offered through Jesus. As an individual with a fatal disease refuses the diagnosis of the doctor and thereby is unwilling to receive the offered remedy, likewise the individual who refuses to believe they have sinned will refuse God's remedy for sin (John 1:29) "behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world". As a doctor must point out the bad news to the patient before they can give them the good news about the remedy, so I have done my best to declare humanities spiritual disease (The bad news), which is clearly stated in, (Rom 3:10) "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". I want to share with you what I believe to be the best news anyone can ever here if received.

God the Father sent God the eternal Son on a rescue mission "to seek and save the lost"
(Luke 19:10).God the eternal Son entered the hostile territory of this world through the womb of a virgin. Jesus mission is to rescue sinners from God's just anger against evil. Thereby clothing Himself in a human body Jesus became one with us. Jesus did so in order to proclaim God's love for sinners by becoming a part of our world community, and then by fulfilling the terms that would bring us peace with God. The terms that would bring to us peace are, Jesus was born by a virgin, and He lived, and died on a cross for my sins and your sins. Christ's resurrection from the tomb proved that God the Father received Christ's payment in full for our sins, and therefore we are released from any further obligation to pay. If you will humble yourself admit that you are a sinner and believe this good news God will forgive all of your rebellion against Him, adopt you into His family, and give to you eternal life. 18 Christ himself suffered for sins once.

(1Peter 3:18) He was not guilty, but he suffered for those who are guilty to bring you to God. His body was killed, but he was made alive in the spirit. (The New Century Version)

(Rom 3:23) The payment for sin is death. But God gives us the free gift of life forever in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NCV)





Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What is the matter with us?

None will doubt me when I say that humanity is in trouble and that we need someone or something to rescue this world from self- destruction. All you have to do is turn on the news and you will see a world that is full of wars and hate. Look at the broken relationships and infighting going on within our families, neighborhoods’ and jobs. Something is terribly wrong with the human race and it does not take a rocket scientist to come to this conclusion. Christ-followers will proclaim that the root of the problem is that humanity has been, alienated from God first, and therefore alienated from one another because of self-will and sin. There are 6.68 billion little gods, people, living on planet earth at present time and we all want our own way. As you can see when you get that many little gods together who are jockeying for the supreme position of the god king, the result is a volatile tinder box. This fighting for the supreme position above other little gods results in a terrible collision among the differing personalities. There are many people who claim they have not sinned and that sin against God is not the root problem of our world.I want to ask you a question! Have you ever wanted your own way over that of Gods, or if you don’t believe in God, have you ever wanted your own way over others? In seeking after your own way at the expense and hurt of others have you ever added to the conflict and alienation in this world? If you can say yes to this, then you have played a part in the on-going conflict in this world. Also if you answered yes to the question above, then in Christian terminology you have sinned against God and neighbor. Jesus said " We are to love God with all our mind, with all our strength, and our neighbor as our self", Is there anyone who can say they have always done this? If not you are a sinner!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The heartache of a broken relationship II

The first step that must be taken by the guilty party when striving to reconcile a broken relationship is to go to them admitting you are wrong and ask for forgiveness. Now this is a real problem for most of us because we are naturally full of pride, and we hate to admit that we are wrong. No one likes eating humble pie! We will look for any way out that we can find. We will justify ourselves with reasons such as, what I did really was not that bad therefore they should get over it. We will search for all the ways they have done us wrong and come to the delusion (conclusion )their wrongs against us far outweigh the wrong we have done them. When we are unwilling to take full responsibility for the wrong we have committed relationships will continue to be broken and the former closeness never restored. You have to admit that much of the heartache we experience in this life is caused by relationships that remain broken because people are too proud to confess their wrong.

When we truly believe that we are guiltless and somebody accuses us falsely of some wrong, it makes us very angry and justifiably so. This is why so many people reject Christianity because the starting point of the message is that Jesus came "to call sinners to repentance not the righteous"

also Jesus said "that he came to seek and save that which is lost". Right away people are offended by the message before you have a chance to get out of the starting gate. Many in all sincerity will proclaim their innocence before God, and may point to some homeless person on the street declaring "they may be lost but not me". God cannot rescue (save), people who are not lost, nor can forgive the sins of sinless people. John said in his gospel when he saw Jesus coming, "behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" John (1:29). Jesus is not for you if you have no sins. Jesus cannot rescue you if you are not lost.

But the good news of the gospel for those who will receive it, and admit their sin and lostness is "behold the lamb of God who take away the sins of the world". Jesus will take your sins away; God will forgive all of your rebellion, and will restore you to a right relationship with God who is now your Father. Behold Jesus; He died for all of your sins past, present, and future. He was resurrected as the proof the debt you owed for all your sin was paid in full. You are forgiven and accepted as God's son or daughter through your trusting in Christ alone as your savior. Those of you who will not admit your sin and look to Jesus to for rescue you from God's just anger; I pray that God will open your eyes. May you behold the beauty of Christ, and the great sacrifice He endured on the cross so that you were given the opportunity to be reconciled to God.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The hearache of a broken relationship

Have you ever experienced a broken relationship as a result of truly wronging someone? You have tried various ways to be reconciled to this individual, but nothing you do will repair the damage done .You are receiving your just due! They are just, in breaking off any relationship with you. Admittedly they are unwilling to give you grace and mercy but as far as the law goes they are being just.

Humanity has experienced a broken relationship with God, but in this case many will not admit that they have offended God. In fact many deny God’s existence. Everywhere we look we see the effects upon a world whose relationship with God has been severed. God has judged our sin in this life by handing us over to sin as we please, and by letting us reap the consequences thereof.

All the evil that you see in this world the wars, racial strife, as well as selfishness, and many more to numerous to count are a result of our broken relationship with God. Many of you reading this will say compared to most people I am guiltless. The problem with that statement is that we all have sinned and added to the impact that sin has on the world, as well as our neighbors’ and friends. None of us have “loved God with all our heart and our neighbor as our self” which is the greatest commandment (Matt 22:37-39). We are just as responsible before God for our sin and the negative impact it has in this world, as well as any other person created in God’s image.

God in His great mercy came to earth on a rescue mission and that mission was to seek and save that which was lost (rescue sinners). Jesus who is God the eternal son entered the womb of a woman and entered our world. Our God is not a god who says I feel your pain from a distance in heaven but came to earth and actually felt my pain and your pain. I will have more to say about this in my next blog.

NLT (2 Cor 5:19)

For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. This is the wonderful message he has given us to tell others.