Look at kids who are raised by loving responsible parents. They are raised in the steady confidence that they are secure in their parents love. These children for the most part grow up to be mature responsible adults. Those who are raised in family’s were they are made to feel that they are never secure in their parents love will be for the most part kids that grow up to be immature and stunted adults (Rom 8:15).
This example above holds true for the Christ follower as well. Therefore, it is vital to your Christian growth that you come to understand that you are eternally secure in the Lord, and that you are assured of your salvation.Read these versus (Romans 5:1-2) Notice this verse says "We have peace with God" As AW Tozer says,"We have peace with God but not with the world, the flesh, and the devil." Having the assurance that God is at peace with us and that He is for us gives us the courage and strength to fight the daily battles and trials of life. If you try to fight these daily battles without the assurance that God is with you, you are doomed to a christian life of failure and discouragement. Knowing that God is with us alone give us the ability to be over-comers against the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Peace and Joy
1Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God (italics mine) through our Lord Jesus Christ.
God is at peace with us because Jesus has forever rescued us from the just consequence due our self-exalting God belittling sins. We as Christ followers have peace with God because of Christ life, death, and resurrection alone, though there are times we may not feel like It. Theses times of doubt do not take away from it being a fact . There are times when I do not feel married or old enough to be a grandparent either but I am.
We must trust in what God has promised us more than our unstable emotions. This is what the Bible promises to those who have trusted in Christ alone to rescue them from the just penalty due to their sins.
1 John 5: 11- 12 says, And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. Notice that this verse says we have eternal life, if the life God gives us is eternal this means we can never lose it, also this verse declares that we will never perish for something to never perish means that it will never cease to exist.
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