Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Great Reversal:

We have effaced God's good creation through The loving of self with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and with all of our mind, and we love neighbor after ourselves. This is the great commandment in reverse. Jesus told us we were to put God not self in this imminent position of love. We see the sad effect that this great reversal is having on our planet daily. Therefore because the enthroning of self has destroyed the joy intended by God for his creation, he will banish all rebels from his joyful kingdom.Through the distoring of the great commandment by enthroning of ourselves in the place of God; we look to the creature instead of the author of life for our value and our worth, this pursuit will always fail. God intended our value to be found in loving God first and then our love for one another. The good news is that God has sent his son to rescue us from this perversion and restore us to the Father.All who receive the free undeserved mercy and grace of God through faith in Jesus Life, death, and resurrection,in the place of rebels, are eternally accepted and loved by God.I once read " God does not love us because we are valuable, we are valuable because God chose to love us".Our value as human beings is derived from and totally dependent upon God.All those in Christ are eternally loved by the Father.Only by accepting this will a person find rest from the fruitless pursuit of self worth. Breath a sigh of relief!